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Dysautonomia Advocacy Day on Capitol Hill
July 17, 2023

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Dysautonomia International advocates on Capitol Hill

during Dysautonomia Lobby Day in 2017.

Dysautonomia International invites patients, caregivers, clinicians, researchers and allies to join us for Dysautonomia Advocacy Day on Capitol Hill on July 17, 2023, to meet with Congressional offices as part of our 11th Annual Conference!


You can sign up for Dysautonomia Advocacy Day during the conference registration process. Registration for Dysautonomia Advocacy Day includes Dysautonomia Advocacy Training on Sunday evening at the conference hotel (mandatory for all Dysautonomia Advocacy Day guests), bus transportation to and from Capitol Hill and the hotel, the coordination of meetings with House and Senate offices on your behalf, an Advocate Kit, and an optional Capitol building tour. Masks are required on the bus. We are asking all guests to wear a mask during Dysautonomia Advocacy Day, but please be aware that many Congressional members and staffers we will meet with on Capitol Hill are not wearing masks.


The buses will leave the hotel at 8am and will return Dysautonomia Advocacy Day guests from Capitol Hill to the hotel around 4pm. If you have to catch a flight earlier than that, you can take an Uber from Capitol Hill to the airport. A detailed personalized Advocacy Day schedule will be provided to all registered Advocacy Day guests. Your schedule will be based on when we can arrange meetings with the offices of your two Senators and your House of Representative member.

If you can't attend the conference in person, we encourage you to participate from home by tweeting, emailing and calling your elected officials (more information to come) and asking them for their support in funding dysautonomia research. Together, we're going to "Make Noise for Turquoise" on Capitol Hill, and make a difference in the lives of millions of people living with dysautonomia!

Please email us for questions about Dysautonomia Advocacy Day.

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