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COVID Testing Procedures

We will use a three step process to get all conference guests screened for COVID-19. All conference guests will take a self administered COVID-19 antigen test (On/Go ONE) each day of the conference (Friday/Saturday/Sunday) and we will use the free On/Go app to confirm your test results. This is required even if you have tested negative recently. Your patience and cooperation in this process is much appreciated, and will help us reduce the risk of spreading COVID-19 at this conference.


Step 1: Check-In

Speakers, assigned Conference Volunteers, and Exhibitors can pick up their registration materials Friday 7:40 AM - 9:00 PM, Saturday 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM, or Sunday 8:30 AM - 3:00 PM. All other conference guests can pick up their registration materials Friday 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM, Saturday 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM, or Sunday 8:30 AM - 3:00 PM, in the hotel lobby. 


When it's your turn to check in, wearing a mask, please have each individual in your group come to the Step 1: Check In desk in the hotel lobby to show their photo identification. Children under 18 do not need photo ID, but must check-in with a parent/guardian. After confirming you are a registered conference guest, we will provide you with an On/Go ONE COVID-19 antigen test kit. Please let the Check-In desk know if you have an iPhone or Android phone. After receiving your On/Go test kit, please leave the registration area until it is time to pick up your registration materials (see Step 3 below).


***Please do not congregate in the hotel lobby or restaurant/bar area until you have tested negative.***


Step 2: COVID Screening

You should wash your hands before starting the test and need a flat surface to lay the test strip on for 15 minutes. If you have a hotel room at the Hyatt, we ask that you take the test in your hotel room. If you do not have a hotel room at the Hyatt, we recommend taking the test in the hotel bathroom or in your car.


Please read the instructions in the test box before starting the test. It is important to do the test correctly to get accurate results. After reading the instructions, download the free On/Go app for your iPhone or Android at If you do not have an iPhone or Android, please follow the instructions below.*


Open the On/Go app in your phone. Create an account. Log in to the app. Select “Start Test.” Follow the instructions on the app. If asked what test you would like to take, choose the On/Go One test. If asked what zip code you are in, you can provide your home zip code or the zip code of the Hyatt (20171). When you complete the test, the app will create a record of your test result with your name and the date/time you took the test.


If you or anyone in your group tests positive, please wear a mask, isolate yourself from other conference guests, and call Dysautonomia International staff for further instructions at 845-532-3477.

Please do not come to the hotel lobby to tell us you have tested positive.


If everyone in your group tests negative, please visit the Step 2: COVID Screening desk to receive your colored wristband. You will be provided with a colored wristband that lets you into the conference area for the day. We will repeat this process on Friday, Saturday and Sunday using different colored wristbands.


*If you do not have an iPhone or Android, follow the printed instructions in the test kit. Please begin the test no earlier than 15 minutes before your designated registration materials pick up time (see Step 3 below). If you test negative, you will have to bring your negative test strip result to the Step 2: COVID Screening Desk 15-30 minutes after starting your test. If you test positive, please follow the instructions in the blue box above.


Step 3: Registration Materials

After you have a wristband, you can visit the Step 3: Registration Materials desk to pick up your registration materials at the designated time.


Saturday & Sunday Testing Process

Your swag bag will include two additional On/Go One tests, meant for use on Saturday and Sunday. Each morning, please repeat the On/Go ONE test using the app. If you have a negative test result using the app, please proceed to the Step: 2 COVID Screening desk to pick up your wristband for the day.


**If you or anyone in your group tests positive, please follow the instructions above.**


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